Here's a brief summary of some of the items discussed at our meeting:
- Loren Andrews was elected (in abstentia!) to chair the Woody Hill School projects group. However, before any work gets underway at this school, we need to work out a memo of understanding with the Town Council with regard to some grant money that remains earmarked for this building. Sheila hopes to set up this meeting early in 2009.
- Next year's One-Room Schoolhouse Reunion dates were discussed. We are zeroing in on three possible Sundays: April 19, April 26 or May 3.
- We now have our own email address: .
- As always, we spoke about getting others involved with different projects. Would you be interested in helping turn Hall School into a museum? Helping to collect oral or written histories? Organizing a photo contest of "Historic Exeter"? The winter months are a great time to brainstorm -- if you come up with an idea, let us know - or better yet, come to the next meeting on Feb 10!