Golf is sometimes referred to as "a good walk, spoiled". At the Exeter Country Club, it also may be a missed history lesson!
What was "Horn Heap"?
This sign, was erected by the State in 1932 and is located between the 7th and 8th fairways. Standing alongside a carved rock, it is all that remains of the land deal between English settlers and Narragansett sachems called the Pettaquamscutt Purchase.
Gary Boden takes us back in history to tell the tale of Horn Heap and the Pettaquamscutt Purchase.
Ebola and zika virus are in the news these days, but it was the smallpox virus which struck fear in the hearts of New England settlers during the 18th century.
Exeter, of course, was not immune from the reach of smallpox. Like other towns in Rhode Island, people who contracted the disease were sent away to remote farms, where it was hoped that quarantine would stop the spread. Read the story below about Exeter's long-lost smallpox farm and cemetery, now part of the Cuttyhunk Brook Preserve off of Sunderland Road. We are once again indebted to Exeter Historical Association Vice-President Gary Boden for his fascinating research.